Thursday, July 9, 2020

SQL schema free comparison database tool

SQL schema free comparison database tool

SQL Server Compare Database tool    <a href=””>SQL schema comparison server database tool </a>



SQLDBDiff is a powerful and intuitive tool that compares the schema and the data of SQL Server databases. SQLDBDiff supports SQL Server Version 2005 to 2019, SQL Azure and SQL on Linux.

 Read more: SQLDBDiff 5.5.0

SQLDBSearch is a free SQL Server tool that lets you easily and quickly search for database objects or SQL statements across your databases.

This tool supports all versions of SQL Server (from SQL Server 2000 to 2019 versions) and requires Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 and above 

 Read more: SQLDBSearch V2.3.1 (Freeware)

CRUD and DAL code generator is a free tool that generates the CRUD stored procedures and also the corresponding Data Layer Logic (DAL) in C# code, for better standardization and more productivity.

Many thanks to my colleague Rachid Messadi for his contribution.


 Read more: CRUD and DAL code generator (Freeware)

SQLDBSize is a free SQL Server tool that allows you to display graphically the size used or reserved by tables, indexes, databases, transaction logs and physical files.

This tool supports all versions of SQL Server (from SQL Server 2000 to 2019 versions) and requires Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 and above

 Read more: SQLDBSize V1.2.1 (Freeware)

Sql schema free comparison tool

SQL Server Compare or comparison Schema

SQL Server Compare Database tool    <a href=”” title=”SQLDBTOOLS”>SQL schema comparison server database tool </a>

Welcome to SQLDBTools website This site is mainly dedicated to SQLDBDiff, a visual, fast and powerful tool that compares and synchronizes the schema and the data of your SQL Server databases.  With SQLDBDiff, you save hours analyzing the structure an.

SQL schema free comparison database tool

Friday, July 3, 2020

Sql schema free comparison tool SQLDBtools Site

Sql schema free comparison tool 
SQLDBtools Site

CRUD and DAL code generator is a free tool that generates the CRUD stored procedures and also the corresponding Data Layer Logic (DAL) in C# code, for better standardization and more productivity.

Many thanks to my colleague Rachid Messadi for his contribution.



Click here to download the tool

Require: Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 and above


Sql schema free comparison tool SQLDBSize V1.2.1 (Freeware)

SQL schema-free comparison tool 
SQLDBSize V1.2.1 (Freeware)

Sql schema free comparison tool SQLDBSize V1.2.1 (Freeware)

SQL schema-free comparison tool 
SQLDBSize V1.2.1 (Freeware)

SQLDBSize is a free SQL Server tool that allows you to display graphically the size used or reserved by tables, indexes, databases, transaction logs and physical files.

This tool supports all versions of SQL Server (from SQL Server 2000 to 2019 versions) and requires Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 and above

 SQL schema-free comparison tool 

SQLDBSize V1.2.1 (Freeware) 

With SQLDBSize you can display graphically:

  • The size of your tables and indexes;
  • The size of your databases, transaction logs and physical files (.mdf, .ndf and .ldf);
  • The top 5 tables by size;
  • The top 5 databases by size;
  • The top 5 physical files by size;
  • The used and free size of drivers that host SQL Server;
  • Generate report in CSV format;

 SQL schema-free comparison tool 

SQLDBSize V1.2.1 (Freeware) 

Click here to download the tool

Require: Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 and above


Click here to see some snapshots

SQL schema-free comparison tool 
SQLDBSize V1.2.1 (Freeware) 


Sql schema free comparison tool SQLDBSearch V2.3.1 (Freeware)

SQL schema-free comparison tool 
SQLDBSearch V2.3.1 (Freeware) 

Sql schema free comparison tool  SQLDBSearch V2.3.1 (Freeware)

SQL schema-free comparison tool 
SQLDBSearch V2.3.1 (Freeware) 

SQLDBSearch is a free SQL Server tool that lets you easily and quickly search for database objects or SQL statements across your databases.

This tool supports all versions of SQL Server (from SQL Server 2000 to 2019 versions) and requires Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 and above 

 SQL schema-free comparison tool 

SQLDBSearch V2.3.1 (Freeware) 

If you want to know all places where the specific column is used, this is a great tool to use.

If you want to know tables, views or stored procedures dependencies, this is a good tool to use.

If you want to rename a table or column but aren't sure what views, stored procedures or function reference it, this is a great tool to use.

If you are looking for a bad SQL statements like SELECT * in the text of views, stored procedures or functions, this is a good tool to use.

 SQL schema-free comparison tool 

SQLDBSearch V2.3.1 (Freeware) 

Click here to download the tool

Require: Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 and above


Click here to see some snapshots


SQL schema-free comparison tool 
SQLDBSearch V2.3.1 (Freeware) 

Sql schema free comparison tool SQLDBDiff 5.5.0

Sql schema free comparison tool SQLDBDiff 5.5.0 

Sql schema free comparison tool SQLDBDiff 5.5.0


SQLDBDiff is a powerful and intuitive tool that compares the schema and the data of SQL Server databases. SQLDBDiff supports SQL Server Version 2005 to 2019, SQL Azure and SQL on Linux.

Click here to download SQLDBDiff


SQLDBDiff is now supporting SQL Server on Linux (vNext), click here for more details

Click here to see some snapshots


SQLDBDiffConsole.exe is the console version of SQLDBDiff, the 

 Sql schema free comparison tool SQLDBDiff 5.5.0 

line command has the following syntax :

SQLDBDiffConsole ServerName1 DBName1 User1 Password1 AuthWin1 ServerName2 DBName2 User2 Password2 AuthWin2 [OutputFile.txt]

SQLDBDiff Freeware version is completely free without any evaluation period, this is my small contribution to SQL Server community.

By Ordering SQLDBDiff Shareware version, you'll get access to more advanced features, free upcoming updates and technical support by e-mail

 Sql schema free comparison tool SQLDBDiff 5.5.0 

SQLDBDiff features:  

Compare the structure of two SQL Server databases

The following objects are supported:

  • Tables and columns (with the possibility to respect or not columns order);
  • Views (including their indexes and triggers);
  • Stored procedures;
  • User defined functions;
  • Triggers;
  • PK and Indexes (with the possibility to include or not statistic indexes);
  • Relationships (FK);
  • CHECK Constraints;
  • Default Constraints;
  • User Defined Data Type & User Defined Table Type
  • DDL Triggers;
  • Synonyms;
  • In-Memory table
  • System versioning (Temporal type)
  • Permissions;
  • User and Roles;
  • Database properties;
  • SQL Server properties.
Sql schema free comparison tool SQLDBDiff 5.5.0  

-       Generate schema synchronization scripts.

-       Generate a schema difference report.

      Search an object by its name or content (text).

-       Compare many databases to the same master database in one step. With SQLDBDiff you cannot only compare two databases, but many databases to the same master database, you can save the list in XML file and avoid manual input.

-       Compare databases contents With SQLDBDiff you can compare tables even if they have different schemas or the primary key is missing. You can choose grid mode or text mode, in this last case you can:

  • Select columns to be compared;
  • Define a maximum of rows;
  • Add WHERE or ORDER BY clause.

-       Generate data synchronization scripts.

-       Export database schema in flat file so you can import in your version-control software

 Sql schema free comparison tool SQLDBDiff 5.5.0 


  Supported versions : SQL Server 2005 to 2019, SQL Azure and SQL on Linux

 Sql schema free comparison tool SQLDBDiff 5.5.0 

Sql schema free comparison tool

Sql schema free comparison tool

Sql schema free comparison tool

Welcome to SQLDBTools website This site is mainly dedicated

to SQLDBDiff, a visual, fast and powerful tool that compares

and synchronizes the schema and the data of your SQL Server

databases.  With SQLDBDiff, you save hours analyzing

the structure an.

Welcome to SQLDBTools website

This site is mainly dedicated to SQLDB a visual, fast and powerful tool that compares

and synchronizes the schema and the data of your SQL Server databases. 

With SQLDBDiff, you save hours analyzing the structure and the data of your databases

in order to determine what was changed between your development and production environments. 

This tool is available in two versions: 

Sql schema free comparison tool

1. Freeware version: Completely free without any evaluation period

2. Shareware version with 30 days free trial period that includes more features. 

SQLDBDiff Shareware version is the unique tool on the market that includes the possibility

to compare many databases to the same master database, all in one operation.

Sql schema free comparison tool

SQLDBDiff is available in English and French languages and supports SQL Server V2005 to

V2019, SQL Azure and SQL on Linux

Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 or above is required. If you are still using old systems with

.Net 3.5, please contact the support, we will build a version that supports your target version.

All tools in this site are developed with C#, ADO .Net and SMO. Those tools are very safe

and will not alter or create any objects even temporarily in your databases.


  토토사이트   먹튀캅 - 토토사이트의 갑질시대 끝, 먹튀검증 부터 합시다.놀이터 에서 갑질 하는 시대 ! 이제는 더이상 애걸 하지 마시고 저희 먹튀캅 에서 진행하는 안전놀이터 를 강력 추천 드립니다 ! 먹튀캅 은 ...